Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Curse of Sarah Palin

The US Constitution entitles it's citizens to Freedom of Speech, a right shared by we Canadian neighbors. There is also the unwritten right shared by both countries citizens to disregard verbal diarrhea of complete idiots. Yet we cannot ignore Sarah. She is like an itchy rash. We know if we scratch it, it will only get worse. It will spread. It will itch more. She simply relies on shock value to keep herself in the forefront by saying stupid things.

Recently she posted this on Twitter "Extreme Enviros: Drill, Baby, Drill in ANWR – Now Do You Get It?"

Well Sarah, what does ANWR stand for? (Pause.....thinking hard.....Katie Couric waiting patiently. Don't hold your breath.....)


Wildlife? the pint-size soccer Mom reflects. We're hunters in Alaska! I can handle a rifle!

Refuge? hmmm, wink, wink. That's where we can get lots of 'em cause they think they're safe there! But I'm a crack shot.

So why not drill in a wildlife refuge Sarah? Sorry, you're not qualified to answer that question.

Scratch, Scratch......sorry I can't help it.

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